Gitin Liliana

Ocupational Area

PhD Lecturer Engineer, Dunarea de Jos University Galati, The Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, Bioengineering Department, Units Operations in Food Industry

Education and Training

2008, March – April, Postuniversitary Course Quality Management for Distance Learning , The Dunarea de Jos University of Galati.

2008, June – November, National Expert for EAPI Project (European Acquis for Plastic Industry) from the Bussines Support Programmne. The Project was co-financed by European Union. The Romanian coordonator was ASPAPLAST from Bucharest. Occupational area was Food Contact Legislation.

2007, 26th – 28th September, National Seminar for the Leonardo da Vinci Program - SLOOP – Sharing Learning Objects in an Open Persepective “Practici europene în e-learning”, Galaţi, The Dunarea de Jos University of Galati.

2007, PhD Eng.: Dunarea de Jos University from Galati. The title of the doctoral thesis was ,,Kinetic studies regarding the catalytic behavior and the stability of lipase in food systems,,. The title was confirmed in 29.06.2007 by Young, Research and Educational Minister Order no. 1418.

2005, May – December: Marie-Curie Programme HPMT-GH-01-00418-17, “Enzyme reactions in supercritical fluids,, Laboratory for Separation Processes, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University from Maribor, Slovenia

2001, August – September: FEPIN Programme “Leonardo da Vinci” - “Formation en entreprise – parteneriat pour lintegration”- Biochem S.A. Mons, Belgia

1999 – 2000: Advanced studies, specialization in Control and expert examination of food products, The Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, Dunărea de Jos University from Galati, general graduation mean-10.00

1993 – 1998: Dunarea de Jos University from Galaţi, Faculty of Food Industry, Water cultures and Fishing, Technologies and Quality Control in Food Industry, graduation mean – 9.24

1994 – 1998: didactic course, Dunarea de Jos University from Galati

1989 – 1993: Ghe. Asachi High School from Galati, Physics-Chemistry profile.

Area of expertise

Studies of the enzyme reactions to the atmospheric pressure and in supercritical fluids

Studies of the unitary operations from the food industry

Studies of the unitary operations in the public nourishment and agro-tourism

Research regarding techniques of minimal processing in the food industry


Scientific Activity


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